Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Dr. Shivani Khetan | Mudita Wellness Clinic | Mental Wellness Coach in Noida | Hypnotherapist | Speaker | Author | PhD D.Sc. | Interview With TheTalkStreet

Dr. Shivani Khetan is a distinguished Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mental Wellness Coach, and Speaker with over 15 years of experience in Energy Healing. In 2017, she introduced the concept of "Mudita", a specialized program focused on healing the elderly population through the Heal Your Life (HYL) Program. Originally a Textile Designer, she shifted her path to spirituality, deeply inspired by Tarot, and went on to earn a doctorate in Tarot as a healing tool and a Doctor of Science in Therapeutic Expressive Art. She is the creator of “ShivAni’s Healing Touch Tarot Deck” and the author of "Tarot: A Healing Tool In Modern Times", the first coffee table book certified by the Golden Book of World Records for postulating tarot as a healing tool.

Dr. Shivani Khetan is certified in multiple therapeutic modalities, including sound therapy, clinical hypnotherapy, expressive arts therapy, tai chi, and psychosociology, and is an internationally certified Heal Your Life Coach in the USA.

TTS ICon  Tell us about your journey into clinical hypnotherapy and mental wellness coaching? What inspired you to choose this path ?

The journey into clinical hypnotherapy and mental wellness coaching has been a personal evolution for me, sparked by a desire for inner peace and self-knowledge. As I faced challenges that traditional methods couldn’t address, I turned to alternative approaches. I became fascinated by the power of the mind and discovered that hypnotherapy provides access to the subconscious, where many of our core beliefs and behaviors originate. This insight inspired me to delve deeper into the practice, driven by a passion to help others break through their mental and emotional obstacles. What motivates me most is the conviction that everyone has the right to live an empowered life, guided by their own beliefs and what truly works for them. This conviction underlies my dedication to guiding individuals towards their own paths to freedom and self-empowerment.

TTS ICon  What initially sparked your interest in the field of hypnotherapy? Was there a specific event or person that influenced your decision?

The turning point in my journey came when I realized that while expressive arts therapy could profoundly touch belief systems, it often fell short of creating lasting change on its own. This realization pushed me to seek out methods that could deepen and amplify my therapeutic approach. My exploration led me to clinical hypnotherapy—a powerful modality for transformational change. As I immersed myself in this field, I was struck by the profound impact it had on countless lives. The more I learned, the more I recognized how hypnotherapy could perfectly complement my existing work, providing a pathway to true and enduring transformation. This discovery not only enriched my practice but also strengthened my commitment to helping others achieve meaningful, lasting change.

TTS ICon  As an author and speaker, how do you integrate your clinical practices with the topics you write and speak about?

My work as an author and speaker naturally evolves from my clinical practice. The insights and experiences gained from my client interactions shape the topics I delve into in my writing and speaking engagements. Whether addressing limiting beliefs, promoting emotional healing, or enhancing self-awareness, I draw on real-life examples to ensure my content is both relevant and practical. My aim is to empower individuals to take control of their mental wellness through shared insights and effective techniques for transformation.

I highlight the importance of self-affirmation and positive reinforcement, encouraging my audience to recognize their inherent value and foster a mindset of self-compassion and growth. By integrating clinical perspectives with actionable strategies, I seek to inspire meaningful, lasting change and self-empowerment.

TTS ICon  How many books have you written so far, and could you provide a brief overview of each one?

I have written four books, each exploring different aspects of personal and professional development :-

TTS ICon  What are some of the most common limiting beliefs you encounter in your work, and how do they typically affect a person’s mental well-being?

In today’s world of social media and constant comparison, many people struggle with limiting beliefs that can adversely affect their mental health. Common examples include:

  1. “I’m not good enough” – Social media often presents an idealized version of others’ lives, which can make you feel inadequate. This belief can damage your self-esteem and make it difficult to appreciate your own achievements.
  2. “I must be perfect to be accepted” – The unrealistic pressure to be flawless in every aspect of life can lead to relentless self-criticism and stress. It’s hard to form authentic relationships when you’re always striving for unattainable perfection.
  3. “Only the lucky few achieve success” – The perception that success is reserved for a select few can lead to feelings of discouragement and lack of motivation. This belief may hinder your pursuit of personal goals and aspirations.
  4. “I need to work non-stop or I’m failing” – The culture of constant productivity can make you feel like you’re not doing enough if you’re not always busy. This mindset can lead to burnout and make it difficult to enjoy moments of rest.
  5. “Change is too difficult and won’t stick” – Previous unsuccessful attempts at change might lead you to believe that trying again is pointless. This belief can prevent you from exploring new possibilities and achieving personal growth.
  6. “I am not deserving” – Feeling unworthy of happiness or success can lead to self-sabotage and hesitance to pursue opportunities. This belief can keep you from fully embracing and pursuing what you truly want.

These limiting beliefs can severely impact mental well-being, leading to anxiety, depression, and a sense of being trapped. By utilizing integrated clinical hypnotherapy and expressive arts, we can work to overcome these beliefs and help you lead a more empowered and fulfilling life.

TTS ICon  How do you customize your approach when working with different clients, given the unique nature of their challenges?

The first step in our process is to identify the presenting issue and investigate its root causes through our sessions. We work on understanding the deeper issues behind the problem and their effects on the client’s life. My focus is on helping clients tackle both the superficial symptoms and the underlying issues. This way, we work towards achieving peace and resolution for their challenges. Clients often come away with new insights and strategies that they hadn't considered at the outset, fostering a more meaningful and lasting sense of well-being.

TTS ICon  What topics do you focus on when speaking at events, and what do you hope your audience takes away from your presentations?

At events, I focus on the transformative effects of overcoming limiting beliefs and unlocking the power of the subconscious mind. I examine how self-awareness can be a game-changer for personal and professional development and showcase the incredible benefits of expressive arts therapy for mental wellness.

My mission is to spark inspiration in every person present. I want them to leave feeling motivated and equipped with practical tools for change. I aim for everyone to understand that transformation is not only possible but also attainable. By the end of the session, I hope they feel empowered and ready to pursue their journey toward mental and emotional freedom, recognizing their limitless potential.

TTS ICon  What are your future goals as a clinical hypnotherapist, mental wellness coach, author, and speaker?

Our future vision focuses on transforming lives with our flagship Life Rewrite Regression program. This initiative is designed to help individuals tap into their full potential by addressing and rewiring limiting beliefs and behaviors. By merging the profound techniques of regression therapy with the practice of rewriting life stories, we aim to promote lasting, positive change.

Alongside this, we are eager to expand our reach as certified international coaches for Louise Hay workshops. Our goal is to introduce these influential workshops to new countries, spreading Louise Hay’s transformative teachings and enhancing our global footprint.

As we work across Europe and Dubai, we are dedicated to making our innovative programs accessible to a larger audience. Through compelling books, vibrant workshops, and interactive online courses, we will provide practical tools and empowering strategies for self-awareness and mental wellness. By connecting with diverse communities, we aspire to inspire individuals to take charge of their mental health, initiating a global wave of positive change.

TTS ICon  How do you balance the different aspects of your career and maintain your own mental wellness?

Maintaining balance across my career and mental wellness involves a mix of mindfulness, self-care, and varied interests. I practice Tai Chi, study classical music, and engage in art and painting to remain grounded. My connection with seniors, including my mother, who is an ambassador for Mudita by Dr. Shivani Khetan, a wellness clinic, helps me stay present and continually learn. These activities support my well-being and also enrich my professional work, allowing me to serve others while nurturing my own mental health.

TTS ICon  Can you share a success story where your approach helped a client achieve a significant transformation in their life?

One of my most impactful success stories involves a young woman who faced severe low self-esteem and anxiety, which were affecting her relationships and career. We used clinical hypnotherapy in conjunction with life rewrite regression to address her negative self-talk and deeply ingrained limiting beliefs.

Expressive arts therapy was also vital in her transformation. Through creative expression, she uncovered and articulated non-verbal emotions she had not previously recognized. This breakthrough enabled her to gain valuable insights into her inner self and shift her self-dialogue from self-criticism to self-empowerment.

As her belief system transformed, she saw improvements in her relationships and confidently pursued a career change that brought her immense joy and fulfillment. Her journey illustrates the profound impact that combining clinical hypnotherapy, life rewrite regression, and expressive arts can have on personal transformation.

TTS ICon  How do your books serve as a tool for those looking to make positive changes in their lives?

My books are designed to empower individuals seeking positive transformation through self-development. They provide practical, actionable guidance to help readers identify and overcome limiting beliefs. Each book features reflective exercises, case studies, and creative prompts, offering a clear roadmap for personal growth and mental wellness.

The Book Journal: I Am – On Self-Reflection Work is dedicated to fostering self-reflection, encouraging readers to gain deeper insights and understanding of themselves.

Enhancing Leadership Skills Through Deeper Self-Awareness explores the essential role of self-awareness and personal reflection in effective leadership. By focusing on personal growth, this book helps readers improve their leadership skills and achieve successful self-leadership.

Together, these resources are crafted to support and inspire individuals on their path to transformation and self-improvement.

TTS ICon  What are some common misconceptions about hypnotherapy and behavioral change that you’d like to address?

Integrated clinical hypnotherapy is a collaborative process that relies on your conscious agreement and awareness to unlock your potential. You remain fully in control and aware throughout the sessions, working in harmony with your subconscious mind to achieve lasting change. Here’s how it works:

  1. Conscious Agreement: Your active consent and involvement are essential for effectiveness. You remain fully engaged and in control of the process.

  2. Full Awareness: During the session, you stay completely aware. Hypnotherapy facilitates exploration of your subconscious while keeping you conscious of the experience.

  3. Collaborative Change: This method involves a partnership between you and your therapist. Your conscious mind directs the process, while your subconscious mind supports enduring transformation. It’s important to remember that while hypnotherapy can expedite change, the process may still unfold gradually and requires patience.

TTS ICon  How can individuals begin the journey of self-discovery and healing on their own, even before seeking professional help?

Are you ready to start your journey of self-discovery and healing? Begin with these essential steps to nurture your mind and body:

  1. Fuel with Protein: Add protein-rich foods to your meals to keep your energy steady and support mental clarity. Protein is vital for both physical health and emotional stability.
  2. Find Your Hobby: Engage in activities that bring you happiness, whether it’s painting, gardening, or playing music. Hobbies provide a creative escape and help you reconnect with yourself.
  3. Bask in Sunlight and Nature: Spend time outside and absorb natural light. Sunlight enhances your mood and regulates sleep, while nature’s tranquility improves mental clarity and overall well-being.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink ample water throughout the day. Proper hydration is key to maintaining energy and mental focus. Keep your body and mind refreshed and functioning well.
  5. Eat on Time and Take Your Vitamins: Maintain regular meal times and ensure you’re getting the necessary nutrients through your diet or supplements. Balanced nutrition is crucial for mental health and daily energy.
  6. Journal Your Thoughts: Start a journaling habit to delve into your thoughts and emotions. Record your gratitude, daily successes, and insights. This practice helps you appreciate progress and identify areas for growth.
  7. Take Mindful Breathing Breaks: Dedicate a few minutes each day to mindful breathing. Pause, focus on your breath, and observe its rhythm. A quick 3-minute break can help clear your mind and enhance focus.
  8. Exercise Regularly: Include physical activity in your routine. Exercise releases endorphins that boost mood and alleviate stress. Even a daily walk can significantly improve how you feel.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine builds a strong foundation for personal growth and emotional wellness. Small, consistent actions will lead to positive changes on your journey toward healing and self-discovery.






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