Preethi Pal has made history by becoming the first Indian woman to win two Paralympic medals in track and field events. At the Paris 2024 Paralympics, she achieved this feat by winning a bronze medal in the women’s 200m T35 race on Sunday, with a personal best time of 30.01 seconds, finishing in third place. This remarkable achievement follows her earlier performance on Friday, where she won a bronze in the women’s 100m T35 category, marking India’s inaugural Paralympic medal.
Xia Zhou and Guo Qianqian of China won the gold and silver medals in the 200m event, with Xia Zhou finishing in 28.15 seconds and Guo Qianqian setting a personal best of 29.09 seconds. This Chinese pair also outpaced Preethi Pal to take the top two positions in the 100m sprint.
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