Puru Chibber, a prominent Indian television actor, is renowned for his compelling portrayals of characters such as Hameer Rizvi in the gripping crime drama "Khotey Sikkey" by Yash Raj Films on Sony TV, and Sachin Deshmukh in the popular television series "Pavitra Rishta." His talent has also graced the big screen in hit movies like "Band Baaja Baaraat" and "Bhoomi." Additionally, he has showcased his acting prowess as Rocky Singh in "Beintehaa," Karan in "Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se," and Ketan Mehta in "Naamkarann."
Tell us about your early life & How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
My upbringing in theater was profoundly shaped by my mother, who has a strong background in the field. A graduate of NSD, she went on to become the director of TIE, NSD’s division focused on Theater in Education. Her influence allowed me to be immersed in the world of theater from a very young age, making it a natural and integral part of my life journey.
When did acting start becoming a career for you?
During my youth, I had the incredible opportunity to star in a film called "The Warrior," directed by Asif Kapadia, who later went on to win an Oscar for his film "Amy."
In this film, I had the privilege of playing the role of Irfan Khan's son, marking a significant breakthrough in my acting career. It was at that moment that I knew I wanted to pursue acting as a lifelong profession. This experience truly set the stage for my future endeavors in the industry.
What have been the most important influences on your life and career?
The most significant influence in my life and career has been my mother. She was the head of a company in Delhi but decided to make a bold move to Bombay in pursuit of personal growth and new experiences. Despite having two children, we relocated to Bombay in 2005, and her unwavering determination and resilience have always been admirable. I truly admire her and believe that anyone who observes her work ethic will undoubtedly be inspired.
So, yes, my mother truly embodies strength and courage.
What do you do behind the scenes that fuels your inspiration when you're on stage?
I believe it all comes down to one question: how much do you truly want that goal in your life? No matter who you are or what profession you're in, the key is your dedication. How committed are you to achieving what you desire? If you're passionate and dedicated enough, and you consistently put in the hard work, that's where the inspiration comes from—especially when you're performing or presenting yourself on stage. It's your dedication that drives you forward, and that's what fuels your success in any endeavor.
How do you make your repertoire choices from season to season?
I haven’t quite reached the point where I can fully make my own choices yet. Right now, I still feel like I’m in the process of getting there. While I do have some say in the basic aspects of the work I take on, I can’t fully choose everything according to my preferences just yet. Whatever opportunities come my way, I take them. But I’m still on the journey of reaching that level where I can make decisions more freely.
Any life changing experience which you would like to share with your fans?
Life is constantly changing, and there's been an incident that really shifted my perspective. While I can’t share all the details, it happened about 2 or 3 years ago, and after that, I realized something important: we only have one life, and we need to live it fully, every single day. Just go for it—embrace life, enjoy it, and make the most of every moment. Help others when you can, and adopt dogs if you can. With this one life, just go all in and make it count.
If you weren’t an actor, what would you have liked to be?
If I weren’t an actor, I’d definitely be a cricketer. Cricket is a huge passion of mine, and it’s something I’ve always loved. There’s something about the energy and strategy of the game that really excites me. When it comes to acting, I feel the same way about roles. There are so many different characters and stories I want to explore. I want to play every role possible, to dive into every kind of character and experience their worlds.
Which of your roles was the most challenging for you to capture?
There’s still so much more to come, especially in terms of roles. I believe every role presents its own unique challenges. Each time you step into a new character, you have to dive deep into their psyche and truly understand them. For me, no role is easy; every character has its own set of difficulties. I can’t say one is harder than the other—each one demands something different, and that’s what makes them all equally challenging to play.
What would you do differently if you were starting in your industry now?
I don’t think I would change anything about my journey. Whether I had started the way I did or began now, I believe the experience would still be valuable. Of course, as you grow older in the industry and gain more experience, you naturally acquire knowledge along the way. You learn and evolve gradually, picking up insights as you go. But overall, I feel content with how I began. If I were to start all over again today, I would approach it the same way.
How do you feel about social media? What do you think social media has done for your career so far?
I believe social media has become incredibly important in today’s world, especially for career advancement. It allows you to reach a much larger audience and showcase your work to many more people. However, there are both pros and cons to this. On one hand, it can be addictive, and you may find yourself constantly checking for messages or notifications. While most people are kind and supportive, there are certainly some who can be quite strange or intrusive. So, while social media is beneficial for professional growth, it’s essential to recognize that there are no boundaries, and it can sometimes become overwhelming.
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